
ISEN OUEST ‘Grande Ecole’ Engineering School

ISEN Ouest is a French ‘Grande Ecole’ Engineering School specialized in Digital Technologies. We are a member of the Conférence des Grandes Ecoles. Our 5-year engineering degree is certified by the CTI (Commission des titres d’ingénieur), the accreditation body for French higher education institutions which train engineers.

We hold the EUR-ACE European quality label for engineering degrees and the Erasmus+ Charter 2021-27.


What is a ‘Grande Ecole’?

In France, the higher education system in science and technology is made up of two types of institutions, the universities and Grandes Ecoles. ISEN Ouest is an Engineering School, or Ecole d’Ingénieurs which is part of the Grande Ecole system.

With an emphasis on excellence in mathematics and sciences, a small faculty-student ratio, practical experience in projects and internships and a close relationship with industry, the Ecoles d’Ingénieurs recruit their students via a selective entrance examination. Candidates prepare for this examination during two years of intensive training in special post high-school institutions called ‘Classes Préparatoires’ or ‘Prépa’. If successful, they then spend 3 years in an ‘Ecole d’ingénieurs’ and graduate with the ‘Titre d’Ingénieur’, the equivalent of a Master’s degree in Engineering.


The ISEN Grande Ecole Programme

At ISEN Ouest the ‘Classes préparatoires’ are an integral part of our 5-year programme. Successful candidates take the ISEN entrance exam in their final year at high school and are then admitted to our in-house 2-year Prépa course. Students who progress to the 3rd Year enter the ‘Grande Ecole’ Engineering study cycle and can choose one of 15 specialised professional majors.

The 5-year curriculum gives them time to develop their personal academic interests and career project as they gain more scientific knowledge and practical experience. ISEN prides itself on providing a student-centred environment in which students are known on an individual basis by their teachers and benefit from a highly personalized support system.


ISEN has been awarded the « Bienvenue en France » label, signifying a commitment to quality in hosting international students

ISEN West has been awarded the « Bienvenue en France » label at the 2 star level by Campus France. This label rewards the excellence of our services to international students, including recruitment, welcome, integration, and support during and after their studies. 65% of international students choose an accredited institution for their education. This distinction favorably positions us on the international stage, adding significant value to our academic offerings and confirming our commitment to providing high-quality education and a rewarding student experience.