Links to Industry

In addition to conducting research which results in scholarly output (papers in scientific journals, presentations at conferences, doctoral theses etc.), L@bISEN – Yncréa Ouest has, since its inception, always had a particular desire to share and showcase its research activities with industry. The lab has therefore established links with local, national and foreign partners, chiefly with the aim of enabling innovations to be applied to industrial contexts via:


  • technology transfers
  • the design of prototypes
  • product development
  • the filing of patents


Showcasing Research Initiatives

The teams based at L@bISEN – Yncréa Ouest in Brest have worked together to write proposals for two State-region (CPER) projects for the 2021-2027 period. The aim is to obtain funding for sea-related research facilities and equipment. These projects are:


  • BrestBayBase
  • ObsOcean ROEC-I2


These projects will significantly reinforce L@bISEN – Yncréa Ouest research facilities: seabed observation projects, communication facilities for observatories, an unmanned surface vessel for seabed cartography, autonomous underwater robots, an experimentation platform for renewable marine energy (RME, as well as video, hyperspectral and multispectral underwater cameras).



Links with External Partners

L@bISEN – Yncréa Ouest seeks to establish industrial contracts, as well as industrial and/or multidisciplinary research chairs. Such opportunities involve all the research teams across the various sites.



Multidisciplinary projects:

Dr. J.M GUYADER e-Health

Dr. J.B. PIERROT Agriculture & Environment


Mr. P. FORJONEL (engineer) Marine Technologies

Mr. G. FELD (engineer) Energy

Dr. T. NAPOLÉON Computer Vision

Dr. J.P. GERVAL e-Learning



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Industry-Lab Collaboration: